March is a journal of art & strategy.

Lital Khaikin

Lital Khaikin is a writer based in Tiohtiá:ke / Montreal. Her chapbook-length poem Outplace (2017) was published with the San Francisco-based press Solar Luxuriance, with other literary experiments appearing in and around 3:AM Magazine, Berfrois, Tripwire, and the “Vestiges” journal by Black Sun Lit. She has contributed journalism to Canadian Dimension, Toward Freedom, Warscapes, Briarpatch, and elsewhere. She is completing a novella called flight and embarking on a second novella called nigredo.

You Can’t Play Here – Or, Forms of Infinite Play

From the privilege of suburbia and gated communities to histories of segregation, playgrounds are powerfully representative of the economic and psychic divides across race, gender, class, and physical mobility.