March is a journal of art & strategy.


Transversality: What Slips Away While Moving Toward Common Becoming

To attend to transversal change is to attend to transformational methods – to ways of relating that are not accounted for by the current order.

Constant Padology

Etherpad, a free and open-source collaborative live text editor, combines the minimal comfort of plain-text writing with the collective experience of writing with others.

Giant Step: Artist Placement Group and Institutional Critique

Claire Louise Staunton reflects on her involvement with Giant Step, a multi-year program organized by Vessel from 2011 to 2012 that aimed to develop the concept of an “ideal” institution.

Techno on the Radio: Constant’s Techno-Cul-de-Sac

Constant’s recent worksession, Techno-Cul-de-Sac, proposed a collective encounter with Brussels via an investigation of zoning, infrastructure, and technology, bringing together artists, architects, and urban researchers.

iTuneZ: A Playlist Project for Radio Materiality

Within the context of Vessel’s Radio Materiality project, iTuneZ was imagined as a direct gesture to point out an extra-legal space to listen to what migrants play for comfort.

ICW 2015: A Reflection

Tirdad Zolghadr reflects on his experience attending Vessel’s 2015 International Curatorial Workshop (ICW) in Bari, Italy.

Vessel: A Meridian Practice

Vessel is a nomadic curatorial organization and agency invested in supporting artistic and curatorial practices that are situated, responsive, and research-led.

Conversations on Sound and Power: Sandra de la Loza

Sandra de la Loza’s research-based practice investigates the under layers of our present landscape to open portals and envision future worlds through collective memory and political imagination.

Weaving Our Values & Practices

Values & Practices is a collectively sourced and living set of agreements. This inaugural iteration invites those of us who gather through the Center for Liberatory Practice & Poetry to ground ourselves in our visions for autonomous and liberated communities.

Insurgent Political Theater: Subjects-in-Revolt in Colombia and Palestine

Given that protests are multivalent and culturally specific, we ask: What were the political and, more importantly, the sentimental objectives of performances staged by subjects-in-revolt in Colombia and Palestine in spring 2021?