March is a journal of art & strategy.


Dark Study: Within, Below and Alongside

“How much of the academy’s libidinal political economy is predicated on the fantasy of a livable (individual) intellectual life?” – Fred Moten and Stefano Harney

Infinity Factory: On Isiah Medina’s Inventing the Future (2020)

Filmmaker Isiah Medina’s adaptation of Nick Srnicek and Alex Williams’s 2015 manifesto (of the same title) prefigures the emancipation of our time in a post-work future.

Dude, where’s my 22nd century? – On the Burnout of Future Images

An overlap between the experience of temporality in the contemporary condition of burnout and time-flow in relation to social change has emerged.

Collage as a Way of Living

The illusion of stepping with ease from one frame to another was shattered last March by the pandemic. The collage of life is a constantly changing composition.

Reliable Display Copy Distribute: Elastic Maneuverings

Nihaal Faizal and Elaine W. Ho discuss their artist-run publishing strategies operating Reliable Copy in Bangalore, India and Display Distribute in Kowloon, Hong Kong.

Critic in Crisis

The critic is a conscript and this is the draft.

Virtual Eyes: Art Criticism in the Online Gallery

Anuradha Vikram reviews two of the best online exhibitions based in Los Angeles during the 2020 pandemic while assessing the limits and possibilities of this changed terrain.

From “Our House is on Fire” to Climate Justice Code Burnout

Valentina Vella reports back from Casco Art Institute: Working for the Commons’ second annual assembly “Our House is On Fire” (2019) and Climate Justice Code work ahead of their third assembly “We Owe Each Other Everything” that will take a new format online December 11-12, 2020. 

Works Fall: On Ryts Monet and Ruins

“Capitalism is what is left when beliefs have collapsed at the level of ritual or symbolic elaboration, and all that is left is the consumer-spectator, trudging through the ruins and the relics.” – Mark Fisher